October 30, 2011

Yeti, Manusia Salju dari Himalaya

Yeti, hewan besar yang diduga meyerupai wujud seekor gorilla tersebut konon katanya berhabitat di pegunungan Himalaya, dan Nepal. Nama Yeti atau Meh-Teh biasanya digunakan oleh penduduk lokal Himalaya. Kebanyakan peneliti, penjelajah, dan penulis menyatakan keberadaan Yeti hanyalah mitos dan bualan semata. Meskipun demikian, Yeti tetap menjadi salah satu hewan paling terkenal untuk ilmu cryptozoology (Sebuah bidang pengetahuan yang mempelajari makhluk-makhluk mitos seperti monster Loch Ness dan Big Foot).

Yeti seringkali disamakan dengan Sasquatch, sama-sama berbadan besar, mempunyai kesamaan dengan gorilla, tubuh yang dipenuhi bulu, dan mempunyai bau yang sangat menyengat. Namun, lain halnya dengan Sasquatch yang tidak pernah ditemukan laporan ataupun orang-orang yang mengaku melihatnya, ada beberapa laporan dari orang-orang yang mengakui telah melihat Yeti dalam jarak pandang yang cukup dekat sejak abad ke-20. Wujud Yeti tersebut diketahui dari kuil-kuil dan cerita-cerita turun temurun dari penduduk Himalaya. Banyak perbedaan pendapat tentang bagaimana wujud Yeti sebenarnya dikarenakan cerita-cerita yang juga mendeskripsikan Yeti secara tidak sama. Ada yang mengatakan bahwa Yeti mempunyai bulu putih seputih salju, ada juga yang mengatakan bahwa Yeti itu sebenarnya berbulu gelap, pendek, dan berjalan menggunakan ke-empat kakinya.

Selama berabad-abad, orang-orang Himalaya, India, dan Tibet mempercayai bahwa pegunungan merupakan tempat yang keramat dan juga misterius, mungkin dikarenakan pada waktu itu perjalanan menempuh pegunungan yang dingin dan rawan longsoran salju tersebut sangat sukar dilakukan, sehingga penduduk lokal setempat mengaitkannya dengan hal-hal mistis dan tahayul. Yeti, merupakan salah satu makhluk gaib yang dipercayai mendiami daerah pegunungan dan sekitarnya.

Tahun 1925, N. A. Tombazi, seorang fotografer yang merupakan anggota Royal Geographical Society, menduga telah melihat sesosok makhluk dengan tinggi sekitar 15.000 kaki (4.572 meter) didekat sungai Zemu. Tombazi kemudian menulis sebuah artikel berdasarkan apa yang telah dilihatnya. Hal ini mengundang ketertarikan orang-orang barat akan sosok Yeti. Sebut saja Eric Shipton, seorang pendaki yang pada tahun 1951 m3ncoba untuk mencapai puncak Everest, mengambil beberapa foto sejumlah jejak-jeak kaki raksasa di atas salju sekitar 6.000 meter di atas permukaan laut. Foto-foto ini kemudian menjadi bahan perdebatan yang cukup menggemparkan. Sebagian orang beranggapan bahwa ini adalah bukti paling akurat akan keberadaan Yeti, dan ada juga yang berasumsi bahwa ini hanyalah jejak kaki hewan pegunungan biasa yang terlihat "besar" akibat lelehan salju.

Ekspedisi terbesar untuk membuktikan keberadaan Yeti dilakukan oleh Daily Mail pada tahun 1954. Pemandu gunung pada ekspedisi tersebut, John Angelo Jackson,  banyak menemukan jejak-jejak kaki berukuran "tidak normal" selama perjalanan ekspedisi itu. Namun sayangnya, bukti otentik tentang keberadaan masih belum dapat ditemukan.

Sebagian orang mempercayai, Yeti adalah makhluk gaib jelmaan para arwah leluhur yang bertugas untuk melindungi pegunungan Himalaya. Sebagian ada juga meyakini bahwa Yeti adalah rantai DNA yang hilang dalam proses evolusi manusia. Semuanya itu masih menjadi misteri hingga saat ini.

October 19, 2011

Fakta Tentang Zombie

Zombie atau zombi adalah sebutan untuk mayat hidup dalam sistem kepercayaan Voodoo orang Kreol dan Afrika-Karibia. Zombie adalah manusia dengan roh yang sudah dicuri lewat cara supranatural atau perdukunan, dan dipekerjakan sebagai budak yang mengabdi pada "majikan zombie" di perkebunan terpencil.Versi zombie yang lebih menakutkan dan suka memakan manusia sering diangkat menjadi cerita fiksi horor.

  • Zombie Secara Etimologis
Menurut ajaran Voodoo, dukun ilmu hitam atau pendeta voodoo yang disebut Bokor bisa menghidupkan kembali manusia yang sudah mati. Zombie tidak memiliki kemauan sendiri sehingga selalu berada di bawah kendali sang majikan. "Zombi" juga merujuk kepada nama untuk dewa ular voodoo yang bernama Damballah Wedo asal Nigeria-Kongo yang dekat dengan kata nzambi yang dalam bahasa Kongo berarti "dewa".

  • Zombie Dalam Masyarakat
konon, sudah berabad-abad zombie telah berada di masyarakat, khususnya di Afrika. Namun zombie di Afrika memiliki cerita dan ciri-ciri fisik yang berbeda dari zombie yang digambarkan di film-film.

  • Pembuatan Zombie
Pada dasarnya, pembuatan zombie versi masyarakat Afrika (dukun voodoo) adalah dengan cara membuat seseorang menjadi Mati dan Gila .

Orang yang sekarat(sakit parah) diberi ramuan tertentu yang biasa disebut "bufo bufo". Ramuan ini merupakan campuran kulit katak dan ikan puffer(ikan fugo). Setelah diberikan ramuan ini para korban akan "terlihat" seperti mati, dengan napas dan detak jantung yang sangat lambat dan lemah (untuk menyakinkan orang-orang bahwa si calon Zombie sudah mati) lalu dikubur.

Lalu untuk membua Zombie menjadi gila dengan cara memaksa mereka untuk memakan sejenis pasta yg berasal dari Daruta(rumput jimsons) yg berfungsi sebagai pemutus hubungan pikiran dengan realitas, dan kemudian menghancurkan seluruh ingatan yang ada.

  • Pandangan Ilmiah Dalam Pembuatan Zombie
1. kulit Katak bufo untuk menciptakan ramuan "bufo bufo bufo". Kulit katak jenis bufo itu sangat berbahaya, terdapat beberapa kandungan kimia yang bersifat racun mematikan di dalamnya, yaitu biogenetik amina, bufogenin (racun katak yang berbahaya), dan bufotoksin.

2.ikan puffer. Racunnya disebut "tetrodotoksin" racun saraf yang mematikan. Efek penghilang rasa sakitnya 160.000 kali lebih kuat daripada kokain. Memakan ikan ini bisa membuat "Kematian" karena kandungan racunnya.

3.Lalu datura adalah sejenis rumput jimson (nama latinnya brugmansia candida),tumbuhan ini mengandung bahan kimia atropin, hyoskiamin dan skopolamin yang apabila dikonsumsi akan menyebabkan kita kehilangan ingatan.

Dari penjelasan diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses pembuatan Zombie(menurut ajaran voodoo) sangatlah rumit dan kompleks.
Belum ada informasi lebih lanjut dan benar-benar akurat yang saya dapatkan.

  • Zombie Dari Berbagai Versi
Selain dari folklor bangsa Afrika, Zombie juga terdengar pada abad pertengahan, arwah orang mati dapat kembali ke bumi menghantui orang-orang yang hidup karena dalam hidupnya arwah itu mengalami ketidakadilan. Mereka terlihat seperti tengkorak manusai atau mayat yang telah busuk.

Draugr dari mitologi norse abad pertengahan percaya bahwa mayat para prajurit yang bangkit dan dapat menyerang.

Zaman sekarang ini Zombie dimunculkan berbeda sekali dengan budaya voodoo atau yang lainnya. Zombie didefinisikan sebagai monster tak berperasaan, tidak berakal budi serta memiliki rasa lapar pada darah dan daging manusia. Zombie modern digambarkan sebagai mayat hidup dengan wajah pucat, boa mata berwarna putih, lamban dan lusuh. Source.

Hairy Armpits?

Never underestimate your armpit's hair! By mode, comfortability, and cleanness reasons, many women shave their armpits clean. It sounds like this shaving activity doesn't have something to affect to, but, do you know? It does have effect on our health.

  • Protection
Besides armpit's hair can protect you from dirts and germs, it also protects your armpit's skins from poisonous matters which are about to go inside your body including, for women, your breasts.

  • Full of Danger
By shaving off your armpit's hair, it will cause so many micro-size cuts while also enlarge the pores, making chemical matters such as deodorant and cream can easily impenetrate your skin.

Well, if you insist on shaving your armpit's hair, it will be better to cut it instead of shaving it. Because by cutting it using a small scissor will reduce the possibility of injuring your skin and pores enlargement. Source.

October 18, 2011

Got Yelled and Thanked at

Had no class today, i decided to go for a walk this morning, It had been a while since the last time i went for a morning sightseeing. I put on my shoes, my brown-coral jacket, a hat and walk calmly around the neighbourhood. There was no much to see around here, but the air was quite fresh.

A man laid on the ground, covered with dirty "sarung", suprised me. I almost step on him. I stopped a moment, observing this guy, hey! He is not any older than myself.

"Poor man", i sympathized.

The guy woke up in a sudden. I shocked a bit, i almost jumped off my feet.

"What the hell are you doing", he asked angrily. He felt disturbed because i was observing him.

"O-oh no... I am so sorry, i'm just curious.... I-i'll leave at the moment", obviously, i was a little bit scared.

"Get the hell outta here!", he yelled.

Of course, i really wanted to get my self far away from him, didn't wanna to make a scene here. But before that, i gave him 5000 rupiahs, just as a sign of my apology. Then i rushed myself far enough of him, vaguely i heard him yelled something.

"Hey, thanks. Bro!".

Phew! That was the first time i got yelled and thanked at, at ALMOST the same time!

Why Did Hitler Hate The Jews?

Why did Hitler hate the Jews? This question is very difficult to answer and there have been many theories attached to Hitler’s hatred of the Jews. Hitler exhibited strong hatred towards Jews right from childhood. It was understood that he had two Jewish friends and he used to hate them both when he was a child. What really happened between them was not clear.

Hitler’s father had two wives and he was very abusive man. Some believe that the other wife was a Jewish woman and that is why Hitler’s mother was abused at his father’s hands. Most of it was gossip or guess work by people in an attempt to understand why he hated Jews so much. There should be some strong reason for that which comes from deep within. His autobiography “Mein Kampf” suggests that Hitler was a racist who had a chip on his shoulder about being a non-Jew.

Another reason was that in most of Europe the Jewish people were known as communists and even Germany was called a Jewish country. Though a lot of Jews lived in the country there was not even one member in any politically party who was Jewish. Also, later Hitler started calling the Jews homosexuals and this resulted in the killing of homosexuals whether they were Jews or not. He got into some act of ethnic cleansing and was creating a witch’s brew. However, what no one could come to terms with until today is Hitler’s act of mass killing were thousands of Jews were killed at one time.

October 17, 2011

Introductory Verbal Phrases

Another assignment from Mrs. Widi. No day without assignmet. So, this assignment is about using Reduce Adjective Clause and Introductory Verbal Phrases. She gave me five basic questions and i have to turn them all into a nice pharagraph, simple but has to be complex enough. Well, the questions are:
  1. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
  2. Are they younger or older?
  3. Are they student or out of school? Explain!
  4. What is your relationship with them?
  5. How are they different each other?

So, i did this for the paragraph:

I have a sister and a brother. I am the oldest child of my family. My sister, the second oldest of three of us, is studying at Surabaya State University and took Chemistry for her major. While my brother, the youngest, is still crawling at elementary school in my hometown. I'm quite close with the two of them. When holiday season comes, we always gather at some nice places and spend a qualitu time together. Inspite of our closeness, every one of us has different personality. I, the oldest of the three, like to act prestigious and responsible. While my sister, always behaving like she is older than any one of us, can't tolerate whoever messing with her properties. On the other hand, spending most of his time in front of TV, my youngest brother always knows the lastest news ahead of me.

This is what i did for tommorow's assignment, i know, i'm still missing some points in there. So, feel free to correct me by leaving a comment below this post all the time. But, it seems that i can't stop writing.

Owh no! It happens again, you know? It always happens. Everytime i write some new posts in my blog, i just don't know how to end it, i mean, how to end it properly. By saying Good-Bye? Good Night? Good Afternoon? Damn. Owh, yeah. If you have any suggestion, whoever you are, please, help me by telling me how to make a decent post. Thank you!

October 16, 2011

Meeting "Future" Parents in Law

Last night was my greatest obstacle i ever faced for 19 years. Rini asked me to meet her parents, and on the top of that, i must wear traditional javanese hat, Blangkon.

"Is there any other way to meet your parents? Besides Blangkon?", i asked her that.

"C'mon, you said you wanna impress them, this is the only way", she insisted.

Really, i was not confident at all. I began to question my own self-esteem. I had to find another way, that was what i thought. Rini's parent were indeed very strict when it came to traditional dress. But, Blangkon? It was beyond my craziest imagination, my earlier plan was wearing a nice short-sleeved batik and simple pants. The more i thought about it, the more stress i got.

Finally, we arrived at Rini's parent house. They welcomed us warmly. Warmer than i expected. It turned out not to be as bad as i thought. Her father treated me like we already known each other, her mother always smiled at me and the food was great.

Rini smiled at me, i smiled at her back. We were happy.

"See, it's not really that bad. You worried too much", she said on our way back home.

I just smiled and hold her hand tighter

October 13, 2011

A Couple's Dream

A boy and a girl sit alongside each other on their own chairs, together with tens of other children. They seem to enjoy drawing on A3 paper. On the middle of the blackboard and on the top-right side of every A3 paper there is a text written, "My future". The teacher is going around observing the work of students in the class.

Girl: "Why do you look at me?"

Boy: "I am not looking at you. I look at your picture. Your picture is so beautiful. You are beautiful too."

Girl: "Yours too. Your picture is good. What are you drawing?"

Boy: "I am drawing a robot. I am going to be an engineer. Later I will make robots to protect the earth. Beside The Earth, you will too. Rei, what are you drawing?"

Girl: "I am drawing a house. I want to make a big and nice house. Later grandfather, grandmother, I, and you can play together. Your robot can join too."

Teacher: "Nusa, Rei, Silent please!"

Boy and girl: "Yes, Maaam!"

Nusa and Rei smile to each other. Since then they become friend.

Nusa and Rei graduate from kindergarten together. Nusa and Rei continue their education up to secondary school in the same school. Nusa's father is a successful businessman. Nusa father has successfully developed a small store before Nusa was born to become a large company that has many branches in various areas. Rei lives with her grandmother and grandfather since she was small. Rei's grandfather was a building contractor. Rei's grandfather often go to the building project for a visit or to distribute food. Nusa often invited his father to the company for help. Rei and Nusa are still friends until now. Currently, Nusa and Rei are enjoying their adolescence. They meet, travel, and play freely as if there is nothing that can hinder their happiness.

Rei and Nusa graduate from High School together. Rei and Nusa continue their education to the same university. Nusa chooses the management course because of the advice of his father. Nusa plans to become a substitute for his father in the future. Nusa supports his parents' plan. Rei chooses architecture major, in the different department from Nusa. Rei often debates with her grandfather regarding her duties. Rei is busy with the activities of studies, whereas Nusa is busy with the activities of the organization that he is participating in.

Every night Nusa sends a short message to Rei. Every night Rei also waits for the SMS from Nusa. SMS is becoming their connector when they are busy. On days with spare times, they purposely meet each other to do group activities. Nusa likes to go to electronic equipment store, whereas Rei likes to tour various tourism areas, and they often do both together. Nusa becomes a flower is Rei's life. Nusa decorates Rei's life with laughter, weeping, and memories. Rei becomes the moon in Nusa's life. Rei illuminates the life of Nusa through togetherness, encouragement, and sweet smiles.

Nusa and Rei graduate from university together. Nusa is offered to continue the study by his parents, but Nusa decides to have working experiences first. Nusa gets a job as a marketer in an international bank. Employeed by a bank is a dream for many people. Working in air-conditioned office in the city center with all the facilities and a satisfactory salary. Rei receives scholarships to study abroad. Nusa gives his support to Rei. Rei goes overseas. Initially, Nusa and Rei still send e-mails to each other. E-mails from Nusa contain stories about him and his co-worker, his achievement, and many other things including his boredom at work. E-mails from Rei contain stories about her and her study-friends, photographs, and words of wisdom about enthusiasm for Nusa. As time flies, replies from both Rei and Nusa are slower and slower. Phone calls are also rarely returned. Communication between them rarely happens. Chasm between them becomes wider and deeper.

Two years later they have almost never communicate again. The sun begins to disappear and flowers start to become frail. Nusa decides to quit from his job and applies to a famous overseas private university. Nusa feels very saturated and bored with his job. Nusa thinks that higher level of education will open doors to higher positions, heavier responsibility, wider authority, and a more varied activities. Nusa chooses Masters program in Management. Rei has already disappear from his life. No communication between them has happened for ages. In this lapse of time, Nusa's feeling has never been able to be mentioned.

One night, Nusa packs his stuffs and then he begins to organize the contents of his wallet. He finds a picture of him with Rei that was made in a photo-booth five years ago. In the photo Rei smiles. Nusa is reminded about Rei's smiles that illuminated his day-to-day life in the past. Nusa sends a message to the Rei's old phone number:

> Sir/Madam Rei,
> Congratulations, you won the lottery from Bank X!
> Please contact this number for confirmation.
> Thank you.

Nusa waits for a while and then he saw the message sending report on his phone. The status message indicates that it is pending for delivery. My guess was correct, Rei has not come back. Nusa sees outside the window. There was no moon in that night. Nusa sleeps.

The next day Nusa goes to the airport with his mother and his father's driver. When he arrives at the airport, he is greeted by his friends and colleagues. They chat for a moment, take pictures together twice, and then Nusa says goodbye to all of them. The queue for getting boarding passes is not too long. Nusa's mobile phone rings.


"Nusa, where are you?"

"I have been at the airport, Dad!"

"I bought the executive class ticket for you. Don't accept it if you get the economy class seat."

"Do not worry, Dad. Although they are pretty, the officials are not stupid. I'll check again before go to the boarding room."

"Tuuut..." The phone get disconnected.

Nusa's phone rings again.

"Sorry, Dad, the phone was suddenly interrupted."

"It's OK, can I confirm my lottery prize now?"


"Nusa! Did you forget about me? I am surprised that you have such a short-lived memory."

"Mmm... Rei?"

"I'm your step-sister!"

"Yuck! Peevish step-sister. Where are you now?"

"I just arrived at the airport. This is my father's number."


One hour to departure time. Nusa's heart beats very fast. After getting his boarding pass, Nusa rushes to a fast-food kiosk inside the airport. A girl with long thick black jacket sits sweetly. He approaches her.


"Nusa, did you become taller?" Rei stoods and slaps Nusa's shoulder repeatedly.

"I wear a pair of dress shoes, not light shoes like when we are still in university." Nusa holds Rei's hands and bring her to the seat. "Did you get my SMS?"

"I received it just before I returned here. So, where are you heading to?"

"I am going after you. I am afraid you will be confused. If you stray, how can you ask me for a help there ?"

"Ha. Ha. Ha. I think I am not that worse. Are you really going after me?"

"Yup, but now you are here."

"What major?"


"Management again? Your final-year-project was done together with me. I still remember, if you work alone, you never move forward."

"But I finished it, right? I think I need refreshment. New job, new position, new atmosphere, new challenges."

"Do you like your previous work? As I remember, every time you sent me an e-mail, more than half of the content is your complaint. Reading your e-mail hurts my eyes, so does replying to your e-mail. So I became lazy."

"I was also lazy to receive your e-mail. Photos, photos again. Ten megabytes, twenty megabytes again. My previous job, according to me, was good. I worked in a comfortable place, I could save money, I could have careers, there was nothing wrong. "

"Why did you quit?"

"I felt bored. I felt saturated. I felt tired of working there."

"Or.. did you feel like it is not you?" Rei continued, "Do you remember, the drawing that we did when we were still kids."

"Mmm... you drew a house?"

"And your picture was?"

"Ha. Ha. Ha. It is just our past."

"But it is your dream."

Nusa becomes silent. Nusa remembers about the drawing that himself and Rei made. Rei drew a big and nice house, while Nusa drew a robot. Rei chose to learn architecture with her own volition, while Nusa chose to learn management because of his father's suggeston. Rei will be able to design and realize a big and nice house like her childhood dream. On the contrary, Nusa does not want to create robots, but Nusa is actually interested in electronics. He used to work in banking fields, while his actual interest is all about electronics. Nusa is not interested in marketing, he was more interested in technology and electronic equipment. Now, it is almost time to depart.

"OK, I will reconsider my choice again. Rei, ... Thank You."

"Is it already the time?"

"Yes it is."

"OK, see you again!"

Nusa embraces Rei for seconds but it feels like forever. Rei accompanies Nusa to the departure gate. They are separated again. This time, Nusa leaves Rei. Nusa leaves Rei for his future, but this time Nusa says to himself that - It is never too late to change.

Conditional Sentence

My structure lecturer for this semester is quite different. She always ask us to do mind mapping before come to her class. And if we don't, her fury will be damned upon us. Scary as hell. So, for this week, we are studying about conditional sentence. So far, we've learnt about conditional sentence in present and past forms, now come the brothers, progressive and mixed time.

From what i could understand from the book, progressive form in conditional sentence are used when the conditional situation is happening.

Situation : It's raining right now, so i will not go for a walk.
Conditional: If it were not raining right now, i would go for a walk.

And for the mixed time forms, if-clause and result clause are sometime have different places in time. It could be the if-clause is in the present form and the result-clause in the past form, or vice versa. But, something important you have to remember is the tenses pattern. If situation or true sentence are in present form and past form, the conditional sentence will be in past form and past perfect form, or vice versa.

Situation : I did not eat breakfast this morning, so i am hungry now.
Conditional: If i'd eaten breakfast this morning, i wouldn't be hungry.

Well, this is my understanding about how progressive verb and mixed time works on conditional sentences. I know, i might be missing something here. So, feel free to correct me on this all the time.

October 11, 2011

A Living Cellphone?

I was gonna head to my class. When i suddenly realized, something important was missing. My cellphone! I thought i put it on my desk, but i didn't find it there. Obviously, i was panic. If i lost this one phone, i'll never get the new one for the rest of my life.

Trying to calm down myself, i drank a glass of water when my housemate passed by.

"Mas Randi, liat hapeku nggak?", i asked with high hope he knew where my phone was.

"Wah, gak tau tuh. Emang terakhir kali kamu letakkan dimana?", he asked back.

I took a deep breath. My chance getting my phone back was getting lower and lower.

"Tadi pas mau mandi, aku taruh di meja di kamarku", my voice tone was so low.

"Coba, cari lagi. Mungkin kamu cuman lupa naruhnya", Mas Randi tried to calm me down. I thought he realize i was so panic because of my low tone.

"Iya", i replied shortly.

I went back to my room, intending to search it one more time. I hoped it just slipped my eyes. Finally, i found it! And i was very suprised! Because i found it in a place i never predicted. I wouldn't believe it if i haven't find it my self. At the lowest rack of my dresser, that's where i found my cellphone. It just like my phone had its own will and moved by itself to there.

I then talked it to my friend whose known for his psychic ability.

"Haha, Bayu. Ada mitos di keluargaku. Katanya kalau suatu barang itu disayangi betul-betul oleh pemiliknya, maka suatu waktu barang itu akan memeliki keinginan seperti nyawa", calmly he explained to me.

Hearing that gave me goosebumps.

October 10, 2011

What The Fuck Did I Do?

It was my last class today. Writing class with Mrs. Widi as the lecturer. She told us to make just a "simple" paragraph consist of 6-7 sentences. Clearly, she told us to make just a "simple" paragraph, but most of my classmates still needed more help to make it, including me. I still couldn't make a decent-short-paragraph which was considered as a piece of cake by native speakers. It proved that i still have a long way to go before i could stand on the same ground as the natives in english matter.

I felt so useless. I thought i've made a great improvement since i graduated from high school. And foolishly i realized, i just realized it, i'm still zero. I haven't made any significant progress, i am still nothing. I still lack vocabulary, my grammar is not really well-enough. The point is... I still lack in many things.

Deep inside me, i envy my seniors. They participated in many debate contest, their speaking skills are abviously unquestionable. They are good. Compared to them, i'm small. Ridiculously small. What did i do this entire time? May be... i felt good enough because of some compliments addressed to me. It made me big-headed. I felt good enough that study was not necessary anymore.

I hate my self for that.
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