October 11, 2011

A Living Cellphone?

I was gonna head to my class. When i suddenly realized, something important was missing. My cellphone! I thought i put it on my desk, but i didn't find it there. Obviously, i was panic. If i lost this one phone, i'll never get the new one for the rest of my life.

Trying to calm down myself, i drank a glass of water when my housemate passed by.

"Mas Randi, liat hapeku nggak?", i asked with high hope he knew where my phone was.

"Wah, gak tau tuh. Emang terakhir kali kamu letakkan dimana?", he asked back.

I took a deep breath. My chance getting my phone back was getting lower and lower.

"Tadi pas mau mandi, aku taruh di meja di kamarku", my voice tone was so low.

"Coba, cari lagi. Mungkin kamu cuman lupa naruhnya", Mas Randi tried to calm me down. I thought he realize i was so panic because of my low tone.

"Iya", i replied shortly.

I went back to my room, intending to search it one more time. I hoped it just slipped my eyes. Finally, i found it! And i was very suprised! Because i found it in a place i never predicted. I wouldn't believe it if i haven't find it my self. At the lowest rack of my dresser, that's where i found my cellphone. It just like my phone had its own will and moved by itself to there.

I then talked it to my friend whose known for his psychic ability.

"Haha, Bayu. Ada mitos di keluargaku. Katanya kalau suatu barang itu disayangi betul-betul oleh pemiliknya, maka suatu waktu barang itu akan memeliki keinginan seperti nyawa", calmly he explained to me.

Hearing that gave me goosebumps.

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